Saturday, December 20, 2008

Linked List Based Implementation of Stack and Queue

Why different implementations

  • The way the data structure is implemented is a measure of its efficiency (time and space)
  • It is important to see different alternatives
  • So far we have discussed array based implementation (vector). What if we use second class arrays?

Discuss linked list based implementation of stack and queue.
Compare and contrast two implementations

Linked List based Stack
  • Stack is LIFO data structure

  • Linked list is a collection of nodes where each node has a data element and a pointer to the next element in the list.

Linked List based Stack- basic concepts
  • Stack we push into and pop from the top of the stack.
  • Therefore a special pointer “toOftheStack” which is pointing to the top of the stack is created.
  • Intially toOftheStack is null.
  • Try following operations
    • push (a), push(b), push(c)
    • pop()

Linked List based Stack- C++ Details
A Node: (figure 16.19)

struct ListNode
Object element;
ListNode *next;
ListNode ( const Object & theElement, ListNode * n = NULL ) : element( theElement ), next( n ) { }


Linked List based Stack- C++ Details
template <class Object> class Stack {
Stack( );
Stack( const Stack & rhs );
~Stack( ); bool isEmpty( ) const;
const Object & top( ) const;
void makeEmpty( );
void pop( );
void push( const Object & x );
Object topAndPop( );
const Stack & operator=( const Stack & rhs );

struct ListNode { Object element; ListNode *next; ListNode( const Object & theElement, ListNode * n = NULL ) : element( theElement ), next( n ) { } };

ListNode *topOfStack; };

Linked List based Stack- C++ Details

push, pop, top, makeEmpty and = operator

Linked List based Queue
  • Queue if FIFO data structure
  • Implementation is very similar to stack. Here, both from and back of the data structure need pointers.

Linked List based Queue- basic concepts
  • Queue, enqueue into the front of the stack. Dequeue from the back of the stack
  • Therefore two special pointers “front,” and “back,” are created.
  • Initially both both front and back are null.
  • Try following operations
    • enqueue (a), enqueue(b), enqueue(c)
    • dequeue()

Linked List based Queue - C++ Details
A Node:

struct ListNode {
Object element;
ListNode *next;
ListNode( const Object & theElement, ListNode * n = NULL ) : element( theElement ), next( n )
{ }

Linked List based Queue - C++ Details

Notice that there are two pointers, front and back

Linked List based Queue - C++ Details

Enqueue, dequeue, copy constructure and = operator

Array base vs. Linked list based Implementation
  • For large size stacks and queue specially the size is not known linked list is better.
  • For memory scare devices such as small handheld devices, linked list may perform better.


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